Mother [Regular Pioneer] Charged With 2 Rapes
Former resident returns to 'Boro to face accusations
Article Source11:03 PM, Sep 5, 2012
MURFREESBORO — A Portland, Ore., woman accused of raping her two children when she lived here more than 10 years ago could face more charges as a Murfreesboro Police Department investigation unfolds.
Angela Montgomery, 50, was charged by Murfreesboro Police Detective Wayne Lawson in late August with the crime, after her two children gave the detective “detailed statements” about rapes and sexual assaults they had suffered at the hands of their mother when they lived on South Kings Highway.
Lawson began what became a more than eight-month-long investigation when he was approached by Montgomery’s two children, a 21-year-old man and 15-year-old girl, back in mid-January.
“The victims advised the events occurred approximately 10 years ago .... when they lived on South Kings Highway,” Lawson reported. “After several months of reviewing records and past statements, warrants were obtained on Ms. Montgomery for two counts of child rape with more charges pending.”
Montgomery turned herself into the jail Aug. 21 after Lawson obtained those warrants, according to a booking officer at the Rutherford County jail.
Her bond was set at $10,000, and she posted the required 10 percent on that same day.