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Watchtower Prophecy Says, No New "World Powers" Coming!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:43 am
by Esoteric
Watchtower Prophecy Says, No New "World Powers" Coming!!!
Watchtower Magazine, June 15, 2012, entitled, "Jehovah Reveals What “Must Shortly Take Place”" located on pages 14-18, paragraph 10 states:

  • In the 21st century, Britain and the United States have continued their special partnership, often acting together in world affairs. The prophecies about the immense image and the wild beast confirm that the Anglo-American World Power will NOT BE REPLACED BY SOME FUTURE WORLD POWER. This last world power may be weaker than that represented by the legs of iron, but it will not disintegrate on its own.

...So we can't expect Islam to rise up as a World Power, can we??? :roll: