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The "Time Of The End" -- When Does It Start?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:30 pm
by Donald C. Burney

Most people know all too well, the Watchtower Society used a specific date to identify the beginning of what the bible calls, the "time of the end"... namely, the date of 1914.

However, rather than point to a specific date, the YORWW Congregation, only says there would be certain key events that would characterize the period the bible speaks of as the "time of the end."

For example, we find the expression the "time of the end" found in Daniel 11:40 which says:

"And in the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through."

Based upon the above prophecy, the YORWW Congregation believes this "pushing" of the King of the South has already started, as of the direct actions taken by the United States and so-called "Coalition Forces" in attempting to transplant a "Democratic" government in Iraq, amid a very unfriendly environment of Islamic Nations and inner turmoil among Iraqi citizens. All of this occurred as we know, in the early part of the year of 2003, as we recall. However, still we do not say that the "time of the end" actually started in the year of 2003, since we know of other important biblical, prophetic events which actually PRECEDED these events also. In fact, the prophetic drama we speak of, even goes as far back as the year of 1990. Yes, this particular bible prophecy we speak of, concerning the "King of the North" and the "King of the South" in combat and strugglings, covering Daniel 11:9-12, does have their fulfillment during this time, resulting in the UN Security Council Resolution 666 originally being adopted. -- See Revelation 13:18.

These are simply the facts. Only time will tell, exactly how these foretold events, as well as UN Resolution # 666, work out for Jehovah's Witnesses as an "apostate" people, during their time of great persecution, during the "42 Months" of "Trampling" and discipline. -- Isaiah 10:6; Isaiah 30:26; Micah 4:6, 7; Daniel 12:7; Revelation 13:5-7.

Neverthless, since that time (2003), we note the build up of the violent "insurgency" of fighters coming from many surrounding nations, especially those who favor Islamic State run governments in this region, has escalated since that time, which has given rise to more and more violence and unrest in Iraq, as well as in other places in the Middle East.

Therefore, we believe that "pushing" is going on right now, which means we can fully expect the violent reaction to this "pushing" in the foretold "storming" back of the King of the North very shortly. And of course, this will lead to the "Great War" spoken of at Daniel 10:1 (NIV) and Revelation 6:4, that will take "peace away from the earth" and lead to the death of many, many people on a worldwide scale...indeed a "fourth" of all earth's inhabitants. -- See Revelation 6:8.

Indeed, this "Great War" of Daniel 10:1 will surely mark the time, the bible calls the "time of the end." No doubt about it! -- See also Matthew 24:7