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Basic Truths #2 - Bible Is God's Word And Is Truth

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 8:05 pm
by Mary
Basic Truths #2

    Bible is God's Word and is Truth

Scriptures used:
2 Tim. 3:16, 17; John 17:17

The Bible is God’s inspired word. Yes, INSPIRED which means God’s holy spirit was used to actively direct the forty-bible writers to write the Bible. The Bible is an accurate historical record for all living on the earth today. It shows what has happened to individuals and nations who have worked in harmony with God’s own purpose and what has happened to those who have worked against it. Over and over the Bible itself says it is from mankind’s Creator, Jehovah God. – 2 Samuel 23:1, 2; Isaiah 22:15; Revelation 1:1

The Bible also gives us a look into the personality of Jehovah God. In it we find Jehovah God’s requirements for His servants. We also find what God intends to do to bring his Grand Purpose to fulfillment. It explains how we can live in these difficult times and look forward to a time when God’s Kingdom will take over the whole earth. This government that is handpicked by Jehovah Himself will bring an end to all world problems and all will enjoy perfect health under its rule.

Did you know that a reader of the Bible may have known that the earth was round before anyone sailed across the sea to discover America? This scripture would have told them such a thing:

(Isaiah 40:22) 22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.

Don’t you think a book that is claimed to written by God Himself and explains the meaning of life is worth a look? The Bible also shows how we can solve our own problems let alone the world’s problems. Don’t you think a book that claims all of that deserves our consideration? I think so.

(Romans 15:4) 4 For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.

In my humble opinion, I feel the Bible holds a wealth of information on so many things. Even after reading the bible several times, I don’t feel I could absorb what it has to offer me without reading it several more times. Considering God wrote a book to us so that we could get to know Him and our surroundings on a much larger scale than ever thought of by man…I think it is worth a read or two at least. But this is for each one of you to decide for yourself.
